Non-Discrimination Policy

ABC Unified School District programs, activities, and student clubs are available to all persons without regard to actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code.

Plans, Policies, and Procedures

English as a Second Language
Free website to help you learn English online
Grammar, vocabulary quizzes, crossword puzzles, bilingual quizzes.
Good listening site
Songs, podcasts, audio concentration, listen and read-alongs, songs, listening room.
Good vocabulary building site with sound; various categories with pictures – move the mouse over picture for pronunciation.
ESL Worksheets and Lesson Plans.

Math Practice
Practice with fractions.

A variety of game formatted exercises for many topics including science, ESL and math.
U.S. Citizenship & Immigration site. This site has important citizenship information and civics flash cards listing the citizenship 100 questions. There is also a wide range of government information related to forms, services, field offices, laws/regulations, public affairs and more.
This El Civics site is very user-friendly. It has great pictures and easy access to the words. Just click on a picture to start a lesson or activity. English Language Civics provides an easy way to learn about American history, geography, and culture. New lessons, worksheets, PowerPoint presentations, and videos are added to almost every week. – Jody’s Picks
Mouse testing and training.
This site was built & is maintained by Jenni Currie Santamaria at ABC Adult School in Cerritos, CA. Our curriculum in the ESL department is competency-based, so I find that whenever I search the Web for materials, I’m looking for activities that deal with a particular subject matter. However, most of the ESL sites are organized by skill (listening, speaking, grammar, etc.) As a result, every search is a long, tedious affair. My intention is to organize links in a way that makes them more useful to me and my colleagues. I have also linked many of my own materials to the site, as well as materials created by some of my colleagues. I have chosen to link these materials as Word files rather than PDFs because I want them to be easily adaptable. I almost never use materials exactly the way I get them (even my own), so the downloadable Word file is a good solution for me.
Your Source for Free Online Practice Tests.
Mouse practices.

Resolution 16-81 – Providing All Children Equal Access To Education, Regardless of Immigration Status